1. The client must agree all usage in writing with Maya, Inc. Kids before the assignment takes place.

  2. Booking fees are charged at an hourly/daily rate or by a set rate.

  3. Overtime on bookings over 5 hours for under 5s and over 7 hours for over 5s will be charged at the hourly rate.

  4. Travel outside of London will be charged at half the hourly rate, and fuel at 50p per mile.

  5. Fittings will be charged at £60 per hour with the minimum booking being 2 hours.

  6. Location bookings must include full travel expense compensation, unless the client provides transport both to and from the location. The day rate applies to all location bookings.

  7. Additional fees are to be agreed upon at the time of booking and before any additional usage is published. Maya, Inc. Kids reserves the right not to negotiate any further usage other than that agreed at the time of booking.

  8. Additional fees are payable for the right to use the model’s image (or reproductions, adaptations of, or drawings derived from that image, or any other representation of it, either complete or in part whether alone or in conjunction with any wording or other images, photographs, drawings or material of any other nature including electronic imaging) for all known or anticipated purposes other than the initial permitted use.

  9. Territory additional fees are also payable for the right to use the model’s image (or reproductions as set out in point 9) for all known or anticipated territories other than the agreed.

  10. Unless otherwise agreed at the time of booking the model disbursement is included at 66.67% and the agent's fee at 33.33% of the invoice total. Vat and any agreed expenses will be added where appropriate

  11. Payment on all invoices must be made within 30 days of the date of the invoice. In all cases the person booking the model is the client who will be invoiced and solely responsible for payment unless otherwise agreed in writing at the time of booking. Maya, Inc. Kids reserves the right to invoice the ‘ultimate client’ (i.e. the designer / manufacturer / owner of the product in question). If the client is booking on behalf of the ultimate client then the client and the ultimate client are jointly and severally liable to pay the invoice. All fees for usage are for the right to use the model’s image and, once agreed, are payable whether or not the right is exercised. Unless Maya, Inc. Kids specifically agrees otherwise, in writing, no usage for the model’s image is permitted until payment is made in full.

  12. Maya, Inc. Kids reserves the right to alter the payment terms if they deem it appropriate prior to the booking. 

  13. A special fee will be negotiated when the use of the model’s image or the service to be supplied by a model in relation to a product is required on a basis which precludes supplying services or allowing the use of the model’s image for competing products. A model can supply services to and allow use of the model’s image by any competitor unless an exclusion fee is negotiated. It is the client’s responsibility to check whether conflicting work has been done.

  14. Provisional bookings will be automatically cancelled if they are not confirmed within 24 hours of the proposed booking or if a definite booking is offered and the provisional booking cannot be confirmed.

  15. If a child is licensed and not confirmed for the shoot, a 2 hour minimum fee will apply at any time. If a booking is cancelled within one working day of the starting time the full booking fee will be charged. If a child has been licensed for a shoot, the licence fee will be charged regardless of whether the child goes on to be confirmed for the job or not.

  16. Regarding weather permitting bookings - at the first cancellation half the booking fee is charged unless the client fails to cancel in time to prevent the model’s attendance, in which case the full booking fee is payable. At the second cancellation the full fee is charged.

  17. Clients are responsible for models’ meals on all bookings. Clients are to provide children and their chaperones with lunch if booked for the day, and should provide healthy snacks and water to all models and chaperones regardless of the duration or location of the booking.

  18. Catwalk and fashion show bookings allow the use of a model’s services on the catwalk for the specified show and the right to allow photographers to be present to take photographs and videos of the show on the basis that all such material be for reporting purposes only. The client is responsible for ensuring that all photographers present are aware of this condition and that they abide by it. Any other usage required must be negotiated at the time of booking.

  19. A photographer may not use test and / or experimental photographs or test commercials for commercial purposes unless specific arrangements have been made before the photographic session. Tests are to be paid in cash on the day at the rate of £50.

  20. The photographer and / or the client and anyone obtaining rights from or through the photographer / client is not entitled to use any images for any usage beyond that agreed above. The photographer / client to this extent agrees to restrict use and exploitation of the copyright. If the client is not the photographer, the client is to draw these terms to the attention of the photographer and to obtain their agreement to these terms before the shoot commences.

  21. The client is responsible for the model’s safety when the model is providing services in connection with the booking. The client is obliged to make sure that all other people engaged in connection with the booking and associated travelling are properly qualified and insured. The client is responsible for the model’s health and safety as if the model were an employee of the client. The client will maintain adequate insurance cover to underwrite its obligation to the model.

  22. Maya, Inc. Kids shall not be held responsible if the model fails to attend a booking. The client is advised to insure against any losses which might be suffered in the event of the model not keeping a booking due to ill health or some other reason.

  23. All matters relating to the use of the model's image, any other services supplied by the model and all fees must be negotiated and agreed only with Maya, Inc. Kids Agency. If the client or the photographer or any other person on their behalf or connected with them obtains the model's signature on any document (or parent/guardian’s signature on the model’s behalf), or the model's purported verbal agreement to anything, this is not binding on either the model or Maya, Inc. Kids unless and until it is agreed in writing by the Maya, Inc. Kids.

  24. These Terms and Privacy for booking and all matters connected with the booking are governed by English law and any dispute will be settled in accordance with that law either by a court in England or such other method as might be agreed at the time of the dispute.

  25. Any cause for complaint should be reported when it arises. Complaints cannot be considered in retrospect.

  26. It is a legal requirement for clients to license child models for every job they participate in. This applies to babies and all children of compulsory school age. The length of time it takes to process licences can vary between 7-21 days depending on which council the application is made to. The agency can supply the relevant forms and information, and can process and submit licence applications on behalf of the client for the sum of £35 per licence.

  27. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they abide at all times to Child Performance Regulations and have the appropriate risk assessments, child protection policies, and insurance in place.

  28. Please note that as the supplier of services these terms and conditions take precedence over any terms and conditions which may be received from the client even if those terms have a clause similar to this.

  29. Photographs may not be used until all fees are paid in full.

  30. Whilst every endeavour is made to provide a satisfactory and efficient service to our clients, as the agent we cannot be held responsible for a model's conduct on any assignment. Maya, Inc. Kids reserves the right to negotiate within the structure of these terms and conditions.